Endangered and Threatened Wildlife Species
of the State of Ohio
Ohio is home to 125 endangered species, 52 threatened species, 108 species of concern, and 52 species of special interest. The Northern Harrier (above) is on the endangered species list but a common sight over Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge's prairies and marshes.
Natural areas like Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge provide habitat for birds, mammals, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, a variety of insects, and mollusks. |
These species are found at Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge at some point during the year.
BIRDS Endangered American bittern Black tern Cattle egret Common tern King rail Kirtland's warbler Lark sparrow Loggerhead shrike Northern harrier Snowy egret Upland sandpiper Threatened Black-crowned night-heron Least bittern Red knot Sandhill crane Trumpeter swan Species of Concern American coot Black-billed cuckoo Bobolink Cerulean warbler Common gallinule Common nighthawk Eastern whip-poor-will Grasshopper sparrow Great egret Marsh wren Henslow's sparrow Prothonotary warbler Red-headed woodpecker Sedge wren Sharp-shinned hawk Sora Vesper sparrow Virginia rail |