Explore Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge with us!
We exist because...
Fresh water is a finite resource. We are working to protect it. The Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge Complex is located along the southern shore of Lake Erie, the 11th largest lake in the world. The Great Lakes contain about 20% of the world's fresh water but they are in jeopardy. The wetlands of Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge play a critical role in the Lake Erie ecosystem, acting as the kidneys of the landscape; working to protect NW Ohio's drinking water, work, and leisure. They also provide important nesting and stopover habitat for birds, fish, and wildlife. Friends of Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge works to support Ohio's only national wildlife refuge complex through fundraising and volunteerism so that we can be the change that our wildlife and community deserve. |
Recent Stats
LEARN ABOUT: Your Wildlife Refuge Plan Your Visit Live Cameras Nature Programs Conservation at Home Kids Corner Glass City Bird Crew Spring Birding Spots Bald Eagle Updates Recent Wildlife Sightings Fishing and Hunting Information Wildlife Observation & Birding Tips Bird Migration Timing Scenes from the Swamp Refuge Challenges Research Projects Upcoming Events Refuge Staff FRIENDS PROJECTS: Land Acquisition and Restoration Environmental Education Grants Marinewood Restoration Visitor Center Fishing Access West Harbor Landing Wildlife Drive Improvements Bird Friendly Facility Project Shuttle ABOUT THE FRIENDS: Strategic Goals Recent Accomplishments Financials Community Partners Board of Directors Friends Staff Newsletters HOW YOU CAN HELP: Donate Enduring Purpose Gifts Become a Member Volunteer Purchase License Plate Corporate Sponsors Shop |
Annual Accomplishments
Read our most recent Annual Report to learn more about what we do and learn how you can get involved. |