Interpretive ShuttleSo frequently we hear visitors tell us how they used to walk all over the trails but now they have to stick to the Wildlife Drive because they just can’t walk that far.
We decided to try to do something about that… Introducing the MotoEV Electro Transit 15 Passenger Shuttle. This electric tram which will allow volunteers to drive visitors on the hiking trails. We envision the electric tram being used during special events, for tour requests from local community groups, and during environmental education field trips to showcase a variety of habitats and wildlife. It could even be used to shuttle visitors to their favorite sections of the hiking trails where they could be dropped off and picked up on a schedule, allowing visitors to watch wildlife without worrying about the hike to get there! With your support, we raised over $35,000 for this project which allowed us to order some extras including running boards to reduce the step up into the shuttle and seatbelts for safety. Any additional funds will be used to purchase a storage shed to house the shuttle right next to the Visitor Center for ease of access for both visitors, staff, and volunteers. |
The shuttle should arrive at Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge in Fall 2022!